lagi kisah di kelas 4B
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:34 am
Posted by Unknown
me: class, how many absent today?
4B: thirty eight!!!
me: hah? class, how many ABSENT today?
4B: thirty eight!!!
me: huk aloh! berapo ore hok tok mari nya hari ni?
4B: ooo... duo ore teachor!
My Practical Training Journal: Week 8
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:38 am
Posted by Unknown
4 September 2011 – 8 September 2011
Last week, I had an observation with Ms. Lim. It was a pair teaching observation for English class whereby I was needed to teach a class with my partner, Shahera. Shahera and I had decided to perform the pair teaching in her class, Year 5A. The observation session was held on 7 September 2011 at 9.10 a.m. until 10.10 a.m.
Shahera and I decided to use the Science laboratory for the pair teaching session. It was because we needed to use the LCD projector with the white screen. At the same time, we needed to perform a group work with the pupils and the furniture in the lab has already been arranged in that manner. Nevertheless, Ms. Lim advised us that Science laboratory is not encouraged as a place for an English lesson. In future, I will not be teaching any of my English lessons in the Science laboratory any more. It is because the Science laboratory is not really a safe place for English activities for little kids.
I planned the whole English lesson together with Shahera. We sat jointly two days before the observation and organized the lesson. We thought that we had divided the lesson equally well. I would perform the Set Induction, Step 2 which was the Focused Word Work of the pronunciation drilling and grammar (simple past tense and prepositions) activities, and Step 3 which was the Individual Work of comprehension. Shahera would perform the Step 1 which was the Shared Reading, Step 4 which was the Group Work of Guided Writing, and Closure. However, according to Ms. Lim, the lesson was not divided equally. If there was another pair teaching, we will fix this, but unfortunately there was not.
The teaching and learning sources were very good as various aids were used. As for the Set Induction, we used the realia of the blender and mortar and pestle. Other than that, we used the worksheet for individual work and flip paper and marker pens for the group work. The values inculcation was suitable. The thinking skills elements were appropriately stated.
The implementation of the introduction or Set Induction was fine as very good effort seen. The use of realia and the teacher asked the pupils to guess the things in the plastic bags was very good as the suspense element was used. The pupils were responsive on that. The questioning technique was also good. However, some prefects in a big group were talking when I came to the pestle and mortar part. In future, I have to be sensitive with the pupils’ situation and divide the groups properly and evenly. I would also need to write the words on the blackboard.
Our lesson expansion was in good flow. My class control management was fine as some improvement can be seen. I believe that was because I was teaching the Year 5A class. This class has no problems with their attitude and I also believe that any teachers will not face any problems in controlling them. My communication with the pupils was also clear and expressive.
Our lesson quality was good, but we needed to allocate more time for the comprehension task. I realized that Shahera and I were rushing through because we consumed pretty much times on our activities and the pupils were also anxious with the time which was approaching their recess time. Therefore, in the future, I need to perform my lesson activities smoothly and properly.
I was also advised by Ms. Lim that the simple past tense words in the passage were not completely discussed. There were other words which were not mentioned and highlighted. I need to note this and not to repeat the same mistake in the future. The discussion of the ‘root words’ after the simple past tense activity would be more accurate if I said ‘present tense words’. I was also advised to put the present tense and past tense words side by side so that they are seen clearly.
It was also good for me and Shahera to go round to monitor the pupils’ work. However, we did not take any action on a girl who had been sitting alone at the back of the class since the beginning of the lesson. In future, we need to be sensitive with this situation and encourage her to join the group beside her.
The discussion of the comprehension answers using the computer was good but the pupils should be allowed to answer them individually. I will take note of this in the future. The answers displayed on the screen were too quickly removed. They should be displayed longer so that the pupils can copy them if they do not know the answers. It happened that way because the teacher rushed through the activity. It was not supposed to happen as it is a more challenging activity.
The learning outcomes achievement was satisfactorily achieved and the values application was satisfactory. I will need to focus on this matter more in my future lessons. My reflection notes were critically done. My reflective thinking and portfolio construction were fine.
According to Ms. Lim, my appearance was good, pleasant, and polite. I was also sensitive and patient with the pupils. My behaviour was fine and I was committed and responsible with my class. Overall, I have shown a lot of progress in my teaching. I just hope that I would keep up this pretty good performance and make it better with my Year 4B class as they are pretty hard to be controlled and their ability in English was a bit weaker than the Year 5A class. God speed!
My Practical Training Journal: Week 7
10:37 am
Posted by Unknown
21 August 2011 – 25 August 2011
A week before Raya. I bet everybody was in the mood of Raya and could not really focus to works or schools. Nevertheless, responsibilities needed to be implemented. Schools kids need to learn. School teachers need to teach.
I was supposed to be observed by my mentor, Puan Parah Zahani on Monday. She needed to see me using ICT in the classroom. We scheduled everything on Monday. However, she needed to attend a meeting during my English period on Monday. Therefore, I postponed my Monday lesson to Thursday, and brought my Thursday lesson to Monday.
Along with the festival mood, I taught my pupils with the topic of “Festive Cheers”. On Monday, I asked them to design a greeting card of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I distributed a piece of art drawing paper to each pupil. I asked them to fold the paper to half and to design the paper as a beautiful and creative greeting card. Initially, I limited them to write only in English. But then, I could see that lots of Raya wishes wordings were not in English. Therefore, I allowed them to write in English and Arabic only.
Amazingly, that was the very first time where the pupils did not asked for my permission to go out to the toilet. Previously, they just love to frequently go out, even to the toilet. I could see that they focus their almost total attention to the greeting card design and creation. Even though they were wandering around to their friends’ places, but they were actually doing their work! I joined them with their work by monitoring them using the scissors when they needed to cut out the coloured papers to be pasted on the greeting cards.
I could also see how much they love art. They asked me a lot of new vocabularies to be inserted into their greeting cards. I helped them out for a few difficult words, but encouraged them more to look out for the words in their dictionaries.
From this activity, the only problem I could see was to make them to sit at their places. However, I think it was only a minor problem. Kids are kids. Being active is in their young blood. The victory that I had accomplished here was to tackle their interest and focus to the lesson. Not only I taught them some English, but I integrated the art skill as well.
The conclusion that I could make out from this lesson is that these kids enjoy art. In future, I think I need to figure out more activities like this which involve art to have their total focus and attention to the lesson.
On Thursday, I had an observation session with Puan Parah Zahani. According to my previous experiences having my English class in the computer lab, I have transferred my ICT-based lesson to the Science lab. I chose such venue because it has been installed with the white screen and the pupils could sit in groups whereby the tables and stools were arranged in grouping manner.
From my personal judgement, my class control was still hectic. I have numbered them so that they could be in groups mixing around with their other classmates and not only with their cliques, but I could see that some of them were pretending by forgetting their numbers and simply joined any groups that they wanted.
Personally, I have no idea on how to control the situation. I guess I need to be stricter in the later future even though I thought I have been strict enough.
My Practical Training Journal: Week 6
10:35 am
Posted by Unknown
14 August 2011 – 18 August 2011
Nothing much happened this week. All schools in Kelantan had UBB3 or Ujian Berkala Berpusat 3 for all Year One – Year Five pupils. Year Six pupils had their UPSR trial exam. The examination was held in three days from Sunday, 14 August 2011 until 16 August 2011. On 17 August 2011, all Malaysian Muslims celebrated the Nuzul Qur’an day and it was the national holiday.
Initially, Shahera and me were not having any classes for the three days of the UBB3, nor invigilating any exam slots. But when we arrived in school on Sunday, the Examination Secretary, Mrs. Parah Zahani handed over the invigilating timetable to both of us and informed us to take over Ustazah Syahida’s slots to be invigilated. We decided to invigilate those slots together.
On Sunday, we invigilated the Bahasa Melayu paper for Year 1C. I could see a few Siamese pupils in the class. Since it was a Year One class, we guided them on how to answer the exam questions. Some of the pupils asked us pretty lots of questions and even the answers. Shahera and I were busy entertaining the pupils who needed our help and guidance.
There was a Siamese boy who needed every-single-step guidance. I believe he could not read well. I was hesitated whether to only focus on him or just let him to survive all by himself since it was after all an EXAMINATION. I decided to focus on all pupils, not only him. Of course I pitied him as I can see how difficult for him to even understand the instructions of the paper.
Before this, I only had experience on invigilating OUM students’ examination. When it came to school kids, it went a little havoc and chaotic. I think I need to consult with senior teachers on how to invigilate examination of these little kids. In the future, I think I will need to only pass the instructions and only entertain the candidates who have problems in understanding the instructions.
On Monday, we invigilated Year 1D for English paper. This is the first class that Shahera and I always worry to enter. With our lacking of experience of being Year One teachers, Year 1D pupils are a very enormous challenge for us, especially for me since I have no experience of being a school teacher before joining the KPLI program. We prayed very hard that the pupils will behave and understand the concept of examination.
Upon instructing them to write their names on the exam paper, we found out that almost 40% of the pupils were unable to write their own names. Therefore, we helped them out on that. At that point we knew that it was then a nightmare came true. All pupils asked us how to answer the questions. We guided them just like how we guided the Year 1C pupils the day before.
The first half an hour was calm. But later on, it went hectic and mayhem just like the usual class session. Two of us could not control them. They went out without our awareness of their disappearance. Two of the boys were even started a fight. I mean a serious fight. It happened at the back of the classroom with some other boys were supporting their fight. Worried of unfortunate things that might happen; I took action and separated both of them. I did not know what else to do and simply asked them to sit at their own places.
Thinking of this matter, I still have no solution for this kind of behaviour in pupils. I thought I have been very strict with them. But they just could not obey my instructions. When I yell or shout to them, they will be silent for a little while. Then they will create another huge turmoil in no time. I will look for advices from other colleagues and teachers, especially those who have been teaching for more than 10 years.
On Wednesday, we invigilated Year 1A for Arabic paper. I can see a huge difference between Year 1A pupils and Year 1D pupils. I have no problem in invigilating exam and even handling class with Year 1A pupils. But it is different when it comes to Year 1D. Sometimes I think I was playing war games with them. Oh dear God. Am I being biased now? Sometimes I think I am hoping for a miracle to happen for me to control hyperactive pupils.
I consulted my husband who has been a teacher for more than 20 years now. He told me that class control is the most challenging and even the most difficult part for most teachers. He has seen lots of trainees who cried and stressed out when they were unable to control their class during their practical training. As for me, I was only stressed out, but I can still control myself from tears. He said that class control takes 2 to 3 years to master, not in 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months. I think I will take it easy now. I will learn the tricks without rushing.
My husband has invited me to observe him in his classroom tomorrow, Friday, 19 August 2011. He said that I can see how he controls his pupils. It is because it is easy for him to just explain, but I could not see those explanations in action. By observing him, I hope I can get some ideas on class control.
My Practical Training Journal: Week 5
Sunday, September 04, 2011 8:45 am
Posted by Unknown
7 August 2011 – 11 August 2011
This week I had an observation session with my English supervisor, Ms. Lim. I ‘jeopardized’ my marks and grades by bringing my 4B pupils to the computer lab as I planned to use the ICT elements such as the LCD projector and also the Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Even though I know it was havoc and chaotic to handle them in the lab, I guess I would give it a try since Ms. Lim would be with me. The pupils were very well behaved during Ms. Lim’s previous observation. I was hoping that my teaching and learning session in the lab would be at least in an acceptable manner, if not successful.
The lesson was not even started, and the students were late entering the lab! I had informed the class monitor and also a girl from the 4B class to get into the lab at 10.30 a.m. after recess. When I went to the class to ask them why they were late, they said that it was not my class period. I was very furious but managed to control my tone and asked them to quickly pick up their English books and stationeries and rush over to the computer lab. Next time, I think I will need to invite them if I hold my class session in places other than their classroom.
From my personal evaluation, my overall planning was fine. My learning outcomes or behavioural objectives were explicit and clearly stated. My teaching and learning contents were good in many aspects and suited to the curriculum. My teaching and learning strategy was still moderate and needs to be improved. I should be more student-centred. My teaching and learning sources were good as I used lots of pictures. The pupils were very excited when they looked at those pictures.
My overall lesson implementation was moderate. My set induction went pretty well. All pupils seemed interested in the singing activity. I asked them to sing the “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” song along with the animation, music and lyrics. It was a satisfactory start. My teaching progress was alright, but not all students were attentive. Some of them were playing with the spinning chairs. I think I will never perform my next English lessons in the computer lab anymore!
The shared reading session was performed pretty well. The pupils did their best to read the passage, even though they have problems to pronounce some words. Nevertheless, some of the pupils were still not paying their attention. The focused word work session seemed succeeded in attracting the pupils for a little while to look at the pictures displayed on the white screen projected from the LCD projector. I think I need to drill them a little bit more on pronouncing difficult words correctly.
The group work went into total havoc and chaos! Each group consist a lot of pupils, which was about 8 to 10 pupils. I believe that that was the factor that triggers the intolerable noise and clamour among the pupils, regardless of the boys or the girls. Next time, I think I need to divide them into smaller groups. Maybe about 5 to 6 pupils in a group.
The group work presentation which involved group singing went even more disastrous and hectic. The pupils did not pronounce the lyrics correctly. The audience were not paying attention. Next time, I think I need to train them with the lyric pronunciation first before getting them to present their works.
The computer lab possessed conducive learning environment, but the classroom control was lacking. I was not able to make them silent or to focus their attention to my lesson and instructions. I thought I had struggled so hard in asking them to shut up and be quiet. But it ended up by them asking me, “teacher, quiet tu gapo dio?” I think I still need to work hard on controlling the class. Next time, I will need to increase my strictness and firmness towards the pupils without using a lot of my energy and voice. I think I am having sore throat and nasty cough now due to lots of yell and shout towards the pupils.
My communication with the pupils had improved quite a lot whereby I did not use too many Malay words in my lesson. My voice was clear and suitable with the classroom environment. My lesson quality was moderate. A part of the class did not do their task as entrusted. Some of them were joining other groups. Some of them were disturbing their friends in other groups. Therefore, my lesson quality was not up to the good standard. In my next lessons, I need to make sure that all pupils do their tasks as instructed.
My lesson closure was bad. It was abruptly ended. I was doing my best to make sure that everything was completed on time. Therefore, I was rushing and did not perform a proper closure. The learning outcomes or behavioural objectives achievements were satisfactory. I need to make that all exercises given were completed on time and correctly. Values inculcated were also unclear. This part has always been one of my weaknesses.
My reflection write-up was fine. I can see some improvement as I am not only reporting, but I also list down all the problems I face in the classrooms and recommended some useful tips and solutions. My effort in reflective thinking was also seen. My portfolio was good. All necessary documents are neatly managed in the file.
My personal appearance was good as I am neat and well-mannered. My care upon the pupils could be improved. My attitude was considerate and patient. My professional attitude was satisfactory. Overall, I have shown improvement in my teaching and learning session. I also need to work harder on my classroom control.
kelas English di kelas 4B
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:08 am
Posted by Unknown
teacher shima: "class, how r u today?"
4B pupils: "yeeesss!!!"
teacher shima: "class, i'm asking u, how r u today?"
4B pupils: "todaaayyy is wednesdaaayyy!!!"
- nasib makcik laaa... padahal sebelum² ni tanye gitu, rasanya ok je jawab... hu3!
di kelas Sains 5B
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 1:00 pm
Posted by Unknown
me: ok kelas, nampak tak beza pbaris kayu & pbaris plastik tu?
kelas: nampaaakkk, cikgu!
me: apa bezanya?
kelas: pbaris plastik tu belok, cikgu!...
me: belok?
kelas: bengkok, cikgu!
me: ooo... kalu 'bengkok' tu aok sebut 'belok', kalu nak belok kanan, belok kiri kat simpang tu aok sebut gapo?
kelas: kona, cikgu!
me: ooowwwhhh... ok.
My Practical Training Journal: Week 4
8:10 am
Posted by Unknown
31 July 2011 – 4 August 2011
This week I had three observation sessions with my English mentor, Puan Parah Zahani bin Abd. Wahab, my Science mentor, Puan Rohaida binti Abdullah, and my Science supervisor, Tuan Haji Haron bin Awang.
On Monday, my English mentor, Puan Parah Zahani observed me for the first time in Year 4B which I have class control problem with. Surprisingly, the pupils behaved very well, unlike the usual. At this point, I feel like shouting to the world and let them know that I hope my English mentor or supervisor will observe me in my every English class, so that I can teach the pupils in a conducive and controlled environment. But then, until when do I have to depend on others?
After I asked them to read the passage on the flip paper pasted on the blackboard, I asked them what was the text all about? They only answered “dok pehe”. I believe it was my mistake. Perhaps I need to explain the whole text, word by word. I used picture cards to explain the keywords, which were a few occupations to the pupils.
According to my mentor, the pictures were not very clear if seen from the back of the classroom as they were in black and white. They were not attractive and interesting as well. In future, I will prepare my pictures in colour. When I wanted to perform the spelling activity, I took a lot of time. I was supposed to provide blank papers for them, but unfortunately I forgot. My bad. The class went chaotic when I asked them to use the exercise books. I should be more sensitive with this matter in the future.
I had a one-period observation with Puan Rohaida. I explained an overall mind map of “Stability and Strength” topic to the pupils. According to Puan Rohaida, she was informed by the pupils that my voice is not so loud. I was surprised as I thought that I have big and loud voice. At least that is what my friends say about my voice. Even Puan Rohaida said that I have loud voice. But, for the sake of meeting the clients’ needs, the pupils I mean, I will increase the volume of my voice for my next Science classes with them.
My observation session with Tuan Haji Haron was on Thursday. It was a two-period Science class. I had prepared everything I needed for the experiments on “Stability” topic such as tissue boxes, potato chips cans, two Kamus Dewan, two bottles of mineral water, a tray, a plate, a plastic glass, a sponge ball (a tennis ball for beginners), and models of hemisphere, cone, pyramid, cylinder, and cube.
According to Tuan Haji Haron, my planning was pretty good. The contents were stated clearly. The learning strategy was constructive. The learning and teaching sources were sufficient. The thinking skills elements were stated clearly. The values inculcation was suitable with the learning outcomes. Nevertheless, the learning outcomes were not stated clearly.
The implementation was fine in certain areas. The teaching expand was in sequence. The classroom control was fine until the “Idea Application” stage where I lost control when I gave them the worksheet to be completed. They were discussing in loud voice. I asked them to be silent for a few times. My voice was clear, but not so strict. He advised me to be stricter when communicating with the pupils. The pupils showed high interest upon my teaching and learning activities. My learning outcomes were achieved.
The reflection practice was fine. He commented on me as possessing reflective thinking when I realized and admitted all of my weaknesses in my teaching and learning activities. My timing for each stage in the lesson plan was bad. As for the “Idea Structuring” stage, I was supposed to spend 20 minutes, but I took only about 10 minutes to finish it. My “Idea Application” stage timing was 20 minutes, but I took almost half an hour to complete it. He told me that the stage must not exceed 15 minutes.
In future, I will prepare better and more challenging activities for the “Idea Structuring” stage. I will also shorten the “Idea Application” stage to 15 minutes maximum. I also have to be professional in my class where I need to prepare more opportunities for all pupils to try or perform the experiments. What I did was calling upon only four pupils to perform the experiments. The experiments were not really successful either. I will perform more tests before I implement it in the Science lab. I must also reduce questions that could encourage the pupils to answer altogether and increase questions to be answered individually instead.
My Practical Training Journal: Week 3
Sunday, August 21, 2011 9:55 am
Posted by Unknown
24 July 2011 – 28 July 2011
I had quite a bad week this week. I was implementing my first trial of teaching and learning activities to my classes. I had no problem with Year 5B for Science subject. They have been behaving very well in the classroom. I do not have to yell or shout to control the class. So far, they behaved well. In fact, I can give challenging activities and questions to them. Most of them are capable of performing challenging tasks. Only a very few of them are having problems in performing those tasks as fast as others. I do not see that as a major problem. Perhaps I need to focus on them in person more than the others. I might need to approach them and guide them to perform the tasks that seem difficult for them.
On Monday, I asked the pupils of Year 4B to enter the computer lab for English teaching and learning activities. I have prepared some slides from Microsoft Power Point for shared reading, vocabulary, and picture labelling. The topic was “Living In Harmony” which was about family, friendship, and neighbourhood. My class control failed.
The pupils were touching, playing, and pushing the computer and the other hardware and gadgets. Some of them were also playing with the spinning chairs. Some of them walked and even ran around the lab. Most of them did not pay their attention to my lesson. Most of them were talking with each other. Some of the boys were standing on the chairs.
At first, I cursed them from deep in my heart. I blamed them for not giving cooperation to me during my lesson. But then, after discussing the matter with Ms. Lim when she observed Shahera and me on Wednesday, I have to admit that it was all my fault, ignorance, and weaknesses. I was advised by her to create a teaching and learning activity that is more attractive and involving all of the pupils.
According to Ms. Lim, my teaching and learning activities are all teacher-based activities. I was still considered as a classic and conventional teacher who used the chalk and talk method. Ms. Lim has given me some tips and recommendation on how to improve my lesson to more interesting and attractive ways.
For instance, one of my thousand weaknesses was using a lot of Malay words in my English class. As a very novice teacher, I thought that that was the only way for me to explain new vocabularies to my pupils. Sometimes, they do not even understand simple instructions given by me and I ended up explaining it to them in Malay version. I did that during Ms. Lim’s observation and she was very concern about that matter.
Ms. Lim has given me a very useful suggestion regarding that matter. If I was going to teach my pupils with new vocabularies and I could not explain them in English, I could use pictures as my teaching aids. Pupils are very attracted with pictures and colours. It could be very helpful in gaining their attention and to make them clear with the new vocabularies as well. Other than that, I can use realia or using the pupils to explain the new vocabularies.
For instance, during Ms. Lim’s observation, I was trying to explain the difference of shirt and T-shirt to the students. I was just using explanation with words. Ms. Lim said, I could call upon pupils who actually wore those clothes during the class. I could call a boy who was wearing a school uniform to explain them the meaning of shirt and a boy who was wearing a white T-shirt to explain the meaning of T-shirt, and at the same time I could easily show them the differences of those clothes.
During Ms. Lim’s observation as well, an unexpected incident happened. An announcement was made for Year 4 pupils to go to the assembly site to collect 1Malaysia chocolate milk. The announcement was not even finished, and all of my pupils sprinted out of the class to the assembly site. I was surprised with their dash and could not do anything to stop them. Ms. Lim and Shahera also were in shock with the incident. Ms. Lim told me to have them advised, warned, punished and reprimanded for their behaviour. I did. I was grateful that the pupils admitted their mishaps and apologized to me.
After the observation session, Shahera and I discussed quite a lot of things with Ms. Lim regarding our progress and performance in our classes. She has given us a lot of tips, ideas and suggestions on how to manage our class better. I believe I can improve myself by being more analytical and creative in the future.
My Practical Training Journal: Week 2
Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:45 am
Posted by Unknown
17 July 2011 – 21 July 2011
Week 2 started with wet weather. It was raining from dawn to sunrise. We started our day with the Sunday assembly. The teacher in charge of the library held a prize giving to the pupils who read the highest number of books. Other announcement included the reminder of sports training for Sunday and Monday. Pupils were also reminded of the Sukantara that would be held on Tuesday and the Sports Carnival that would be held on Wednesday. The Sukantara involved all pupils which is parallel with the government’s ambition of 1 pupil 1 sport. The events involved were 80-metre sprint, shot put, and high jump. Those who succeeded would contribute points to their sports’ team. Only one try was permitted to each pupil for each event.
As for this week, I was supposed to be given a new timetable which is permanent for my 3-month practical. Nevertheless, it would only be effective on Monday. My peer, Raba’atul Shahera and I reminded the PK 1 about our new timetables. We used our first week’s timetable for Sunday. Everything went well for my teaching and learning activities. After the final bell ring at 1.00 p.m., we looked for our timetables in the office. A teacher, Mr. Nasir gave us our new timetables. The PK 1 was attending a meeting. Then, we rushed down to Shahera’s car as we need to head to the IPG to give a copy of our timetables to our English and Science supervisors.
Both of our supervisors, Ms. Lim and Tuan Haji Haron were not around. We left our timetables on their desks and texted them to inform them about it.
As scheduled, we thought that we were going to be using our new timetables starting from Monday. But then, a minor havoc took place in the staff room when the PK 1 made an announcement for all teachers to pick up their new timetables in the office. It would be effective starting from Tuesday. When she was asked about the reasons of the new timetables, she said that it was all because of the English and Science periods that we requested for our 3-month practical training. PK 1 then told us that we could ask the teachers in the class that we were supposed to teach to hand over their class to us. Everything went well for my teaching and learning activities.
At 12.30 p.m., Shahera and I were invited to join the briefing of the Sukantara and the Sports Carnival. All teachers including the afternoon session’s teachers were invited. We were given a handout or a brochure. Shahera and I were appointed to be judges for the high jump event on Wednesday for the Sports Carnival. As for the Sukantara, we were invited to help out other teachers. The teacher involved with the high jump event asked us to help her out and we agreed.
As scheduled, Sukantara was held on Tuesday. I helped out with the high jump event while Shahera was asked to help out with the 80-metre sprint event. It was awesome. I enjoyed myself watching the kids showing their talents. The event used two metal poles and rubber bands tied together replacing the bar. The pupils must jump over the rubber bands without touching them. I could see that most of the boys succeeded and not so many girls could perform successful jumps. The Sukantara ended successfully at about 10.00 a.m. Teachers were enquired to perform classes as usual after recess.
I entered my first English class at Year 4B classroom. The surrounding was pretty havoc at that time. I believe the pupils were pretty tired with the Sukantara. I greeted the class and most of them told me that they did not bring their books. I said that it was alright as I was just planning to perform an ice-breaking session with them. I asked them to stand up, say out their names and tell me what I should call them or their short names. Most of them told me to speak in Malay because they said that they do not understand English well. I was surprised as my instruction was very simple. From that point of time, I started worrying about my class during my observation. God, help me!
The Sports Carnival was held as planned on Wednesday. Shahera and I were supposed to be judges for high jump event. Nevertheless, Shahera was asked to be the judge for the 80-metre sprint event. As for me, I continued my duty at the high jump spot. At about 9.40 a.m., I received a call from my supervisor, Ms. Lim. She reached the school and needed to see me and Shahera. I ran over to Shahera to inform her about Ms. Lim’s presence and we informed the other teachers about it.
Ms. Lim met us together with the GB, PK 1 and our mentor, Mrs. Parah Zahani. After a brief talk in the office, we moved to the Pusat Sumber as Ms. Lim needed to check our record books and portfolios. Ms. Lim and Mrs. Parah Zahani talked for a while about matters regarding the practical sessions. Then, Mrs. Parah Zahani left us as she has to continue her duty in the field. After checking everything, Ms. Lim advised us with lots of important things, corrected all our mistakes and errors found in our record books.
Then, we invited Ms. Lim to have a drink before she left. At the canteen, we met the GB and PK 1 again. I could see that all food for the teachers for lunch were ready. The GB asked us to invite Ms. Lim to have some food before she left. We took some food and invited Ms. Lim to have it. We talked about lots of things while she had her lunch. At about 12.30 p.m., she left us as she needed to rush back to the IPG for her 2.00 p.m. class.
We returned to the field. All major events were completed. We could only watch the event for the teachers and tug of war for the pupils. Then, we all headed to the ground floor of the new building for the prize giving session. The overall winner was the Yellow sports team. Congratulations!
On Thursday, all Year 6 pupils went for Rehat Minda session together with all Year 6 teachers. I could see lots of empty seats in the staff room. I was given a relief class for Year 1A after recess at 10.10 a.m. I handled a fun English learning session with the pupils. They were all very excited with it. I satisfied with their participation and enthusiasm. No intention of being biased, but I could see a big difference of Year 1A and Year 1D. Sometimes I thought that if the girls dominated the class, classroom control would be much easier. Year 1D has majority boys and Year 1A has majority girls. Or perhaps I need more time to learn about classroom control.
My Practical Training Journal: Week 1
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:30 am
Posted by Unknown
Week 1
10 July 2011 – 14 July 2011
It was a start of our practical training in SK Chabang Empat, Tumpat with my peer, Raba’atul Shahera. We reached the school at about 7.20 a.m. and met the Penolong Kanan 1, Ms. Pauziah Abd. Rahman at about 7.30 a.m. As we expected, a little misunderstanding happened due to our situation of practical venue exchange with our other two colleagues. It seemed that the Unit Praktikum did not inform them about the exchange as she seemed a little surprise with our presence as two ladies while she expected two gentlemen. We explained the situation to her and she understood.
After a few minutes of briefing, Ms. Pauziah invited us to join the assembly. We sat on the front row of the teachers’ seating. It was a long assembly. It ended at about 9 a.m. The teacher on duty reminded the pupils about the class cleaning. She also reminded them about the Program Bulan Membaca Julai 2011. All pupils should have a book in their hand to be read when they are in the school area. The pupils are also reminded about the suitability of their Physical Education (PE) attire. She reminded them that they can only wear black or blue-black track bottom with school t-shirt or white plain t-shirt and sport shoes or school shoes for the PE attire.
Then, Sir Maloni Wesley Matupang announced to the audience of the sports that are going to be held next week. Sukantara for Year 4, 5, and 6 will be held on 19 July 2011 on Tuesday. Pesta Sukan for Year 1, 2, and 3 and Field Tournament for Year 4, 5, and 6 will be held on 20 July 2011 on Wednesday. Sports trainings will be held this week at 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. He then read the schedule for the trainings according to the sports’ teams.
After the assembly, the PK 1 asked us to wait for a moment while she looked for an empty space for us in the staff room. After she found one, she invited us to our table. Me and my peer shares a table as other tables are engaged with other teachers. We met other teachers and introduced ourselves to them. We mingled with some of them.
After a few moments, the PK1 asked us to follow her to meet the headmaster of the school, Encik Che Awang bin Che Mat. Along with us was our mentor, Ms. Parah Zahani bin Ab. Wahab. We discussed about our timetables in the headmaster’s room. Ms. Pauziah handed over our temporary timetables. She said that they were not really clear with the timetable allotment to us. Therefore, Ms. Parah will need to attend the mentoring course first before they could give us our fixed timetables. For a time being in our first week, we will be replacing Ms. Parah’s English classes, which are Year 5A and Year 1D. We informed them that we should probably not to accept any Year 1 and Year 6 classes. They agreed as it would only be temporary. Ms. Pauziah and Encik Che Awang also agreed if we need to perform pair teaching for this week.
We also told them about our minor class – Science. They seemed surprised as they told us that they have no idea about that. We explained to them about the minimum and maximum periods we can accept for a week, which includes English and Science classes. Ms. Pauziah then said that for our first week, we will only be teaching English classes. I have been assigned with Year 5A, while my peer will be with Year 1D.
On Monday, 11 July 2011, we have started our class sessions. As for me, I do not have any classes with Year 5A. Raba’atul Shahera had to attend her Year 1D class. I joined her for our pair teaching. We have been informed by Ms. Parah that those students are hyper kids.
The class was at 11.30 a.m. until 12.30 p.m. Before that, we have prepared our teaching materials where we planned to teach them names of fruits. Ms. Parah was right indeed. The kids are very hyperactive. They ran around the classroom, disturbing their classmates, jumping on the chairs and tables. We tried our best to control the class. But two of us can only control only half of the class. We tried the strict manner, they did not listen. We made our fierce voices; they played tags with their friends. We instructed them smoothly, they played plastic bottle soccer at the back of the class. I guess we need to read more on pedagogy for hyperactive kids.
One more thing. The kids complained to us that one of them had pooped in pants. I walked around and found out that it happened on a girl. I asked her if she had another clothes. She said no. Since the day was about to end up, I asked her to hold on. I can see tears in her eyes. I believe that her other classmates teased her badly.
I observed that they were streamed into three groups; the bright group, the moderate group, and the slow group. I am not trying to be biased here, but I can see that the slow group appreciate our lesson much better than the others. They did not make much noise. They approached us every time they have any questions or need anything. I feel grateful that such kids exist in that class.
On Tuesday, it was time for my first class. But first, I joined my peer, Shahera for a pair teaching in Year 1D class at 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. As expected, it was chaotic as usual. We did our best to control the class and perform our teaching and learning activities as planned. We taught them some names of fruits.
Then, at 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m., I entered my first class in Year 5A. I supposed to enter the class at 12.30 p.m. But the previous teacher of the class only got out from the class at 12.45 p.m. Therefore, I only have very limited time to proceed with my lesson. Since it was my first class, I did an ice-breaking session with the pupils along with my peer. The time left was only sufficient for me to conduct the lesson up to Step 2. I have decided to redo the whole session the next day.
Nothing much happened on Wednesday. I and my peer went to my class of Year 5A at 8.10 a.m. to 8.40 a.m. I was a little surprised to see the total of the pupils that was reduced into almost half. I asked them where were the rest of the class. They said that they have gone to a visit to Terengganu as they are librarians and the visit is for them. It was a 2-day visit which include tomorrow.
As planned, I redo the whole session that was supposed to be completed on Tuesday. It was about ‘Inventions’. Everybody gave full cooperation to the lesson. The girls were a lot faster in completing their exercises compared to the boys. I urged the boys to move much faster.
At 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., I and my peer went to Year 1D class. As expected, it was chaotic as usual. We did our best to control the class and perform our teaching and learning activities as planned. We taught them about colours and performed some group activities. We prepared letter cards, jumbled them up and asked them to arrange the letter cards to form words on colours. Then, we asked them to paste the letter cards on a flip paper that we have provided.
On Thursday, I and my peer started our day with Year 1D class. As expected, it was chaotic as usual. We did our best to control the class and perform our teaching and learning activities as planned. We still taught them about colours and performed some group activities. We gave each of them a piece of paper and asked them to write the colour words on the paper.
At 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., I entered Year 5A class. As planned, I continue yesterday’s lesson that was about ‘Inventions’. Everybody gave full cooperation to the lesson. Some of the pupils were very fast in completing the exercise given. Some of them were pretty slow. I advised them to focus on their works rather than sit around and stare at the book.
epilog untuk makcik yam
Sunday, July 03, 2011 2:27 pm
Posted by Unknown
Makmur Guest House
Thursday, June 02, 2011 11:38 pm
Posted by Unknown

hidup baru KPLI
Tuesday, February 08, 2011 5:35 pm
Posted by Unknown
n3 ni nak cepat sebenarnya. makcik nak sign-in tgh hari td di library, guna wifi situ x lepas. x tau ngape. kotak komen plak sume inactive. ntah library block ke. ntah salah netbook ke. bila balik guna broadband kawan, boleh plak komen & sign-in blog. x faham
masuk KPLI
Saturday, January 29, 2011 4:20 pm
Posted by Unknown
Alhamdulillah, semalam, 28 januari 2011, jam 7 pm, makcik selamat sampai ke temerloh selepas berorientasi selama 4 hari di IPG Kampus Kota Bharu. Kami diberi cuti seminggu sbb kami bercuti ikut cuti sekolah.
Pada 23 Januari 2011, Ahad, makcik dihantar oleh encik asben, mak mertua, kakak dan Danish. Danial tak dpt ikut sbb dia perlu menghadiri kuliah di POLISAS. Kami bertolak dari temerloh lebih kurang jam 11 am. About 2 pm kami singgah di rumah kakak encik asben utk lunch dan solat jama’ taqdim. About 3 pm kami meneruskan perjalanan ke Kota Bharu.
Sebelum kami bertolak, kami telah pun menempah utk menginap 1 mlm di Sri Pauh Guest House, milik salah seorang blogger yg sgt kami hormati iaitu Makcik Yam dan Pakcik Mat. Walau bagaimanapun, kami tidak memperkenalkan diri kami sebagaimana yg mereka telah sedia kenali melalui blog. Alhamdulillah, kami disambut oleh Makcik Yam dan Pakcik Mat di sekitar bandar Kota Bharu. Mereka berdua, terutamanya Makcik Yam sgt terkejut dan teruja melihat kami. Kami pun dah tentu rasa sgt gembira, excited dan benar2 rasa bersyukur dgn rahmat Allah yg telah mempertemukan kami setelah sekian lama kami kenal di platform ini. Usai bersalam-salaman, kami meneruskan perjalanan ke guest house mereka.
Subhanallah!!! Cantiknya guest house tersebut, jauh lebih cantik drpd yg digambarkan di dalam blog. Selesa, lengkap dgn segala keperluan asas, sewa yg berpatutan. Kami ditinggalkan oleh Makcik Yam dan Pakcik Mat pd jam lebih kurang 7.30 pm utk kami berehat seketika, mandi, dan solat jama’ taqdim. Lebih kurang jam 9 pm, Makcik Yam dan Pakcik Mat telah membawa kami ke sebuah restoran utk dinner. Alhamdulillah... dinner yg sgt harmonis, penuh dgn catching-up dan penzahiran perkenalan face-to-face. Usai dinner, kami kembali ke guest house utk berehat.
Keesokan paginya, 24 Januari 2011, Isnin, lebih kurang jam 8 am, Makcik Yam dan Pakcik Mat menjemput kami lagi utk membawa kami terus ke IPG (Institut Pendidikan Guru) Kampus Kota Bharu di Pengkalan Chepa. Sekarang tidak lagi dipanggil ‘maktab’. Alhamdulillah, kami ditemani Makcik Yam dan Pakcik Mat sepanjang proses pendaftaran memandangkan Pakcik Mat merupakan salah seorang pensyarah di IPG tersebut sebelum beliau bersara lebih kurang 5 tahun lalu.
Lebih kurang jam 10.30 am, makcik ditinggalkan oleh family dan Makcik Yam serta Pakcik Mat... huhuhu!!! Sebenarnya ada taklimat utk waris, tetapi makcik prefer family pulang segera sbb keesokan harinya mereka perlu meneruskan kerja dan sekolah. Tinggallah daku bersama-sama guru-guru pelatih yg lain utk diorientasikan... (‘’,)
Atas salah faham makcik sendiri, makcik berpakaian biasa semasa pendaftaran. Rupa-rupanya baju putih, tudung putih dan kain blue-black perlu dipakai terus utk majlis perasmian. Namun begitu, mereka yg tidak berpakaian seragam sedemikian diberi kelonggaran. Kami dipastikan supaya berpakaian sedemikian pd majlis penutupan nanti. Guru-guru pelatih diberi penempatan sementara di asrama IPG kerana usai Minggu Orientasi, kami perlu tinggal di luar.
Sepanjang Minggu Pendaftaran dan Pengurusan Diri, makcik kerapkali membandingkannya dgn Minggu Orientasi semasa di UUM lebih kurang 16 tahun yg lalu. Mmg jauh bezanya. Kali ini, tidaklah sepenat seperti semasa di UUM. Mungkin kerana keluasan IPG tersebut yg ‘comel’, jd makcik dan guru-guru pelatih yg lain tidak perlu berpeluh-peluh berbasah kuyup baju utk bergerak dari asrama sementara ke Dewan Wawasan. Para AJK pula terdiri drpd adik-adik pengajian ijazah lepasan SPM yg sgt menghormati kami para guru pelatih yg jauh lebih berusia drpd mereka. Makcik salute mereka yg sgt mesra dan mudah membantu kami sepanjang minggu tersebut.
Tiada apa yg buruk berlaku sepanjang minggu orientasi, Alhamdulillah. Buli, ragging tu tidak berlaku langsung. Jadual kami sepanjang 4 hari itu padat dgn pelbagai taklimat berkaitan dgn LDK, kurikulum, peperiksaan, ko-kurikulum, perpustakaan, jadual waktu, buku rekod kehadiran, Borang Perjanjian, kolej kediaman (walaupun kami tinggal di luar, tetapi tetap diberi taklimat dan panduan tinggal di luar), Akta 174 (kalau di universiti, AUKU digunakan), integriti, tapisan keselamatan, sesi bersama Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Pelajar (JPP), dan sesi bersama mentor. Kuliah subuh dan maghrib mcm biasa. Petang selasa, kami berlari sejauh 1.2 km dan senamrobik. Alhamdulillah, tua-tua makcik pun, makcik berlari lengkap 1.2 km WALAUPUN dgn pace yg SANGAT perlahan. Petang rabu guru-guru pelatih lelaki bermain bola sepak dan guru-guru pelatih perempuan bermain bola tampar. Makcik? Makcik penyokong setia... hehehe!
Petang khamis, majlis penutupan minggu orientasi telah berjaya dijalankan dgn sgt bergaya. Kesemua yg dirancang telah berjalan dgn lancar. Usai majlis, makcik dan 3 coursemates yg lain telah mengangkut brg ke rumah sewa di Tmn Kurnia Jaya, berhampiran dgn IPG. Tapi kalau menapak, berpeluh la jgk. Alhamdulillah, 2 org housemates ada kenderaan. So, boleh lah tumpang... hehehe. Pagi jumaat, Makcik Yam dan Pakcik Mat jemput makcik di rumah sewa dan menghantar makcik ke stesen bas Transnasional di Langgar, KB utk menaiki bas jam 9 am. Kami bersarapan bersama. Makcik dah kirim teket bas dgn Makcik Yam beberapa mlm sebelum tu. Alhamdulillah, Makcik Yam kata ada tinggal 1 saja tiket ke temerloh. And that’s mine... hehehe!
Kesimpulannya... waaahhh... ada kesimpulan. Semuanya berjalan lancar. Statistik dan fakta yg makcik perolehi adalah, KPLI ambilan Januari 2011 di IPG Kota Bharu, ada seramai 199 dtg mendaftar; 19 di bwh opsyen TESL; 20 di bwh opsyen Pendidikan Khas SJKC; selebihnya j-Qaf Bahasa Arab, Pendidikan Islam dan Pendidikan Islam Khas (mengajar Pendidikan Islam kpd murid-murid pbelajaran khas). Aaa... yes, makcik merupakan guru pelatih paling tua. Paling muda, sebaya adik bongsu makcik – 23 tahun.
Guru-guru pelatih TESL dan Pendidikan Khas SJKC akan menjalani kuliah di IPG selama 6 bulan sepenuh masa. Cuti mengikut cuti sekolah. 6 bulan seterusnya kami perlu menjalani praktikal di sekolah-sekolah yg akan ditetapkan. Final exam November 2011. Bina Insan Guru dijangka akan diadakan di salah sebuah pulau di Kenyir. Bila? Tak tau lagi. Mebbe dlm cuti penggal yg 2 minggu tu. Guru-guru pelatih j-Qaf akan terus ditempatkan di sekolah-sekolah oleh JPN. Mereka akan berkuliah di IPG pada cuti sekolah. Tempoh kursus mereka adalah setahun setengah, manakala kami pula hanya setahun sahaja. Jadual kelas kami dah dpt. Straight dari 7.45 am hingga 6.00 pm. Ada la rehat 1 jam pd waktu pagi dan 1 jam pd waktu ptg. Weekends Jumaat & Sabtu. 4 hari dlm seminggu ada PJ... huhuhu! Kami diwajibkan mengikuti 1 sukan, 1 pasukan beruniform dan 1 kelab atau persatuan. Apply, belum tentu dpt. Contohnya kalau kita apply badminton, blm tentu dpt badminton. Tgk kekosongan. Makcik nak amek ape eh?
Kami diberitahu, minor pertama adalah Sains. Hah??? Boleh ke? Minor kedua masih belum diputuskan lagi, sama ada KH atau Sivik. Pakaian ke kelas mesti formal, ikut sahsiah guru. Sandal tak boleh. Pakaian PJ... track-bottom MAROON, tudung PUTIH dan t-shirt PUTIH SAHAJA. Makcik ada selai jer tudung putih. Nak kena gi beli lagi selai. Dah PJ 4 hari seminggu, x gamak makcik nak amek risiko tudung x kering. Jenuh la pasni terloncat2, terkejar2 kat padang... huhuhu!
Dlm masa seminggu cuti ni, makcik perlu selesaikan urusan Borang Perjanjian dan medical check-up. Tiket balik dah beli. Sabtu dah penuh. Terpaksa balik pd pagi Jumaat. Sabtu tu dpt la kemas brg2 di umah sewa. Wah! 1st time duduk umah sewa neh. Di UUM dulu sampai grad tinggal di kolej kediaman. Waktu kerja pulak tinggal dgn parents atau family selepas kahwin. Rumah sewa kami tu, Alhamdulillah, selesa. Ada 3 biliks, 2 toilets, 2 tingkats, teres. Tuan rumah tu first time nak sewakan rumah tu. So, katil, tilam, gobok, dapur, tong gas, kami kena beli sendiri. Kami dah request fridge n washing machine. Insha Allah lepas cuti ada la katanya. Sewa RM700 per house. Bil elektrik & air bayar sendiri. Rumah tu ada sistem air boreng. Ini 1st time jgk la pd makcik. Katanya, air boreng atau ‘tube well’ tu free of charge sbb gali sendiri air bawah tanah. Sebagai first-timer, makcik mmg agak cuak la sikit. Mcm x brp nak yakin jer... rodong kata, kalu cuci baju putih dgn air boreng tu, nanti baju tu jadi kekuning-kuningan. Pulok...
Mende lagi nak citer? Tambang bas KB – Temerloh RM41.50. Nak balik kerap tu, x daya jgk. Journey about 9 – 10 hours. Laluan Dungun – Kuantan – Temerloh. Tak ikut laluan Gua Musang yg scary tu la.
Akhir kata... hehehe... mcm ucapan plak. Doa2kanlah kami supaya semuanya berjalan dgn lancar. Kesihatan nak kena jaga betul2 sbb kehadiran ke kuliah dan gerko 100% dituntut drpd kami, kecuali sakit dgn MC hospital kerajaan atau sbb2 lain dgn kebenaran Pengarah IPG. Nak kawen pun kena dpt izin Pengarah dulu.
Ada 1 sesi tu, kami dipertontonkan dgn sebuah video klip salah seorang guru lelaki KPLI yg ditempatkan di sebuah sekolah belantara di Beluran, Sabah iaitu SK Abuan. Jarak dari PPD Beluran ke sekolah tersebut adalah 350 kilometer!!! Laluan darat dan sungai. Kalau lalu di kawasan sungai yg berbatu, turun dari bot pancung, angkat bot tu utk melepasi kawasan berbatu tu. Elektrik hanya boleh digunakan 2 jam sahaja sehari utk keadaan yg benar2 memerlukan. Para penduduk setempat keluar membeli brg2 keperluan di pekan terdekat dlm lingkungan paling cepat, 3 bulan sekali dan biasanya 6 bulan sekali. Guru pelatih tersebut terpaksa belajar mencari makanan natural di hutan seperti rebung, pucuk ubi, atau tangkap sendiri ikan di sungai. Beliau juga dah belajar menanam padi bukit. Penduduk setempat menganut kepercayaan pagan. Beliau merupakan satu-satunya guru Muslim di situ. Waktu cuti, anak-anak murid beliau mengajak beliau mandi sungai. Kanak-kanak di situ dayung sendiri sampan utk ke sekolah. Hah... amacam? Ada berani???

Friday, January 21, 2011 4:15 pm
Posted by Unknown